Secure By Design

With customer data being the prime target for criminal activity there is more than just a moral obligation to keep it safe, the financial implications of loss of reputation, loss of business, legal action and financial penalties, are simply too great to ignore.

In Europe, financial penalties for data breaches are proportional to turnover, so the investment in appropriate data governance is significant and whilst most Australian organisations employ some security, such as authentication, overall, data governance is lacking.

Since returning to Australia, three years ago, we have found that there is a common practice of storing production data in a spreadsheet. . This use of the spreadsheet is not something to be considered lightly as the entire process is void of any data governance. The data is easily posted with an email, discovered on a shared drive or found on a lost laptop. In fact, in the category of 'accidentally released data', spreadsheets are ultimately accountable for the largest percentage of all data breaches.

Secure by design means that the entire information solution is fit for purpose. accurate, appropriately accessibility and considerate of data security and by being all of these things it lends itself to proper data governance.

As all security issues relate to shortcomings in the system design it is often a challenge for an organisation to recognise some of their regular business practice are flawed, instead relying on - I'm careful - it won't happen to me. Most often we are called in after the event but we are most impressed when we are brought in to resolve known shortcomings or to health check that, which is already in place. The first step in resolving anything is positive action. Seldom does a week go by when I have not received an email containing the contact details of all the other recipients. There is no prevention of human error - all we can do is mitigate it.

Our expertise encapsulates the analysis, design and development of secure and performant application and data architecture. As analysis forms a significant part of our work, we are extremely adept in identifying risk and other issues, and through our methodical approach we'll identify and rectify them. In carrying out our work we are always considerate of compliance and intellectual property ensuring systems are appropriate, accurate, timely and secure.

Our approach is simple - we listen to your needs and provide a strategy that suits your timeframe and budget. Whatever your specific requirement, whether it’s data analysis, development, a review of your systems or simply advice, we’re here to help.

How We Can Help You


Data Analysis

The term data analysis is a broad one and covers understanding and uncovering. It also includes reverse engineering and documenting.

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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is the heart of commercial decision making - providing insight into your business operations.

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Data Migrations

It is inevitable that information systems require data to be migrated.

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Eventually all systems become inadequate for the purpose they serve and require updating or replacing.

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Who We Are

"Four decades of hands-on experience across the entire development spectrum within many industries in Australia and internationally, mostly as a freelance contractor"



"15 years experience as a BI Consultant in England and Australia, with strong interests in robotics, mechatronics, automation and new technology"

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