Data Analysis

Insight and business opportunities are discovered through data analysis, often referred to as data science or data analytics and involves a deep dive into the data.

Being heavily involved in data security, data migrations and data engineering, there is always a significant component of data analysis in our work, and more often than not we find issues - erroneous data, incorrect calculations, poorly performing processes, reporting errors and gaping holes in data security.

During a recent piece of work extending reporting architecture I discovered duplicate customer records. The client was aware of this but not the extent and on further investigation found it to be significant. Not only was the data incorrectly showing a much bigger customer base than it actually was but the latest instances of these duplicates were incorrectly influencing pricing.

The impact of a problem is never really known until it is fully understood. With more than 30 years of development experience I have uncovered hundreds of concerns ranging from incorrectly calculated spatial boundaries, as used in mining and exploration, through to internal fraud. Problems fall into three distinct categories -those that have existed since the beginning and have never been picked up, those that have been introduced as workaround and those related to poorly implemented changes.

Reverse engineering - understanding how a system works, is another form of analysis. Delving into the processes that capture, manipulate and store data, is required for any sort of migration work, whether it is a process or application migration or a data migration as a result of a merger, a demerger or an acquisition.

As highly experienced data engineers we are able to provide a service to you that helps make your analysis or planned work successful. Whatever your analysis requirements, we can help you.

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