Essential Eight Maturity

The Essential Eight Maturity is security guidance from the ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Centre) to help organisations implement minimum mitigation strategies to protect their systems against cyber threats.

In brief the eight essential mitigation strategies are:

1. Application Control

Ensuring only approved application software can be executed.

2. Patch Applications

A regular and automated process to apply vendor provided updates.

3. Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings

The restriction of Microsoft Office Macros including the ability of users to change macro permissions.

4. User Application Hardening

Restricting web browsers from executing code and content from the internet, including the ability for users to change the settings of browsers regarding executing code and content.

5. Restrict Administrative Privileges

Privileged accounts are prevented from accessing the internet, email and web services. Only privileged accounts can access privileged information.

6. Patch Operating Systems

A regular and automated process to apply operating system provided updates. Out of date and unsupported products are replaced.

7. Multi-Factor Authentication

MFA is used whenever access to privileged systems is required.

8. Regular Backups

Backups of important data, software and configuration settings are performed and retained with a frequency and retention timeframe in accordance with business continuity requirements including restoration parameters – to a point in time, etc.

Only authorised users may control backups.

There is no fool-proof protection from cyber threats - all that can be done is reduce the risk and take regular backups.

How We Can Help You


Data Analysis

The term data analysis is a broad one and covers understanding and uncovering. It also includes reverse engineering and documenting.

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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is the heart of commercial decision making - providing insight into your business operations.

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Data Migrations

It is inevitable that information systems require data to be migrated.

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Eventually all systems become inadequate for the purpose they serve and require updating or replacing.

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Who We Are

"Four decades of hands-on experience across the entire development spectrum within many industries in Australia and internationally, mostly as a freelance contractor"



"15 years experience as a BI Consultant in England and Australia, with strong interests in robotics, mechatronics, automation and new technology"

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